Applicable products

√ Cortex Project History 1.x

√ Cortex 365


  • Administrative rights on the Cortex host server


  • The server or account where this script is run has rights to the files.


The following script includes a section at the top to edit.

Edit the values in the following lines (as required):

  • 22 $backupFolder

Save as a .ps1 (PowerShell script) and execute.

######     script = File-Cleanup-v1.0.ps1
######     Script Version History 
######     Version	Date		Editor      Notes
######     0.1       03MAR2023	MEH	      	Initial creation
######     1.0       03MAR2023	MEH	      	v1.0 published
######	  Example Scheduled Task Entry:
######     powershell.exe -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -command "& {C:\Scripts\File-Cleanup-v1.0.ps1 Daily 30}"
######     Where Daily, and 30 represent the Schedule, NumDays of backup to retain

######  Parameters to pass into the script ###### 

######  Un-comment out the following to test the script ###### 
# $Schedule="Daily"
# $NumDays="30"

###### Define the Backup Folder Path and append the schedule to the end ###### 
$backupFolder = "C:\folder\" + $Schedule
###### Define the number of Days to retain files ###### 
$Days = "-" + $NumDays

###### Get the current date ###### 
$CurrentDate = Get-Date
###### Calculate the number of days to delete ###### 
$DatetoDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($Days)
###### Execute the routine to remove all items based on the DatetoDelete variable. Recure through all files and folders. ###### 
Get-ChildItem $backupFolder -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item

############################################ END ############################################

Create a Scheduled Task and pass through the parameters

In the scheduled task, pass through the parameters for schedule and number of days to retain.

Example Schedule Task entry.

powershell.exe -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -command "& {C:\Scripts\File-Cleanup-v1.0.ps1 Daily 30}"

Where "Daily" is a sub-folder and "30" is the number of days of backups to retain.

powershell.exe -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -command "& {C:\Scripts\File-Cleanup-v1.0.ps1 Daily 30}"

Where "C:\Scripts\File-Cleanup-v1.0.ps1" is the path and location of the target script.

If you require assistance, please let us know.

The End.