- Download the public key for the Eos Group code-signing certificate
- Link:
- Download the .zip file from the link in the prerequisites {}
- Unzip the .zip file in a temporary folder.
- Right-click and select Install Certificate...
- At the Open File - Security Warning window, select Open...
- At the Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard dialog, in the Store Location, select Current User and select Next...
- At the Certificate Store dialog, select "Place all certificates in the following store", then select the Browse button...
- At the Select Certificate Store window, select the Trusted Publisher store, then select OK...
- Back at the Certificate Store dialog, select Next...
- At the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard dialog, select Finish...
- At "The import was successful." dialog, select OK...
Confirm the Certificate is in the Trusted Publisher store
- Click Start, then type "User Cert"...
- At the certmgr window, under Certificates - Current User, expand the Trusted Publishers store, then select the Certificates store (folder)...
- In the right-pane, right-click and select Open on the Eos Group Code Signing certificate...
- At the Certificate window, confirm the Valid date is as expected, and the Certificate Path includes the full chain of trust.
The End.