

  1. Download the .zip file from the link in the prerequisites {}

  2. Unzip the .zip file in a temporary folder.

  3. Right-click and select Install Certificate...

  4. At the Open File - Security Warning window, select Open...

  5. At the Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard dialog, in the Store Location, select Current User and select Next...

  6. At the Certificate Store dialog, select "Place all certificates in the following store", then select the Browse button...

  7. At the Select Certificate Store window, select the Trusted Publisher store, then select OK...

  8. Back at the Certificate Store dialog, select Next...

  9. At the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard dialog, select Finish...

  10. At "The import was successful." dialog, select OK...

Confirm the Certificate is in the Trusted Publisher store

  1. Click Start, then type "User Cert"...

  2. At the certmgr window, under Certificates - Current User, expand the Trusted Publishers store, then select the Certificates store (folder)...

  3. In the right-pane, right-click and select Open on the Eos Group Code Signing certificate...

  4. At the Certificate window, confirm the Valid date is as expected, and the Certificate Path includes the full chain of trust.

The End.