This is general guide. Your experience may differ. You have a link to download the installation for the RSMeans data. This link should have been sent to you from Eos Group or from Sage in an email. You download and launch the installation to prepare the software for use to create your RSMeans database(s). If you need additional assistance you can contact Eos Group support or Sage support. Eos Group can help you prepare the data, but cannot prepare the data for you and send the prepared database to you.

After you launch the link or executable file, it will prompt you for a folder in which to store the download.

Then browse to the downloaded data.

Additional documentation may be viewed from the link provided in the pdf. To deploy the database launch the exe (executable file).

The default path for the storage of the data needed to prepare the RSMeans database is shown. This is not where the Sage standard database is saved – that will be in your Sage SQL instance. You may select another location, but if you do it needs to be a location which may be accessed by all users through the Microsoft UAC. If you don’t know what this means, do not change the default location.

The saved data file has a mimx extension.

Now you can prepare the database using Sage Means Integrator, which you can find in Windows Start.

Refer to the Help if you want more information. In the next step, you will begin the Transfer Data process by creating a new database and browsing to the mimx file you prepared with the download from Sage. At this point, Means Integrator will identify the database and your registration name. You will have to enter the 6-digit activation code that you received from Eos Group or Sage. This will activate the database for use only by those users at your organization. Since it is data owned by RSMeans and licensed to your organization, it cannot be shared outside your organization.

If you have multiple RSMeans databases, you can include the additional mimx files to have a single database with all of your RSMeans data, or you can choose to create separate databases with just one title or multiple titles included as you wish. The rest of the data preparation involves some selections which are explained in the help.